Events at Heywood House

Light Bites with… Philippa Constable

Business community news and networking events


The Power of Networking and how to make it work for you!

Thursday 30th July 2020
13:00PM – 14:00PM

Join Philippa Constable via Zoom for a fascinating talk about the power of networking and how to make it work for you! Open to all. Join Philippa the well-known networking skills expert and founder of We Mean Biz is and the acclaimed Women Mean Biz networking organisation which she launched in 2007. It is now the largest business networking platform for professional women in the South West of England.
Having taken two start-ups from zero to success whilst bringing up two children, she understands the challenges that women and men face with networking and in business. She is passionate about helping people in business succeed.

Philippa has years of experience and research into how people can get the best out of business networking. Having been a member of business development schemes and networking organisations herself, she wanted more than what was on offer. She’s developed a format that’s proved successful for hundreds of men & women, whether in business for the first time or with years of experience.

In this session, we explore how to network with authenticity and get great results. Philippa has successfully written and runs her own workshops and training in business networking skills, teaching business owners and managers in various industries. She believes that most people don’t understand what ‘real’ networking is truly about, and is on a mission to educate people on how to network effectively.

Come and join us!