Events at Heywood House

Light Bites with… Angie Bell


Thursday 28th January 2021
1pm – 2pm

Angie has a wealth of experience in health, fitness and wellbeing & a successful following across various social media platforms. Angie tells us: As a sole business owner, personal trainer, Mum of 3 (18, 3 & 2), a self-confessed social media addict, networker, who loves fundraising, working out, socialising and baking cakes, I am often asked how I fit it all in and how I manage to juggle all of the plates…….here’s how!! I eat well I move well I feel well And, I work well There’s no saying I’m perfect in any of the above and I definitely get those days where I have chocolate for lunch, too much caffeine, I don’t work out and I stay up late, BUT typically in the balance, I try to make sure those 4 points are my priority and I would like to show you how these can be achieved. How they can be slotted into your lifestyle and how new habits can be formed, to give you an even better set of practises for juggling those plates every day. January is a great time to kick start something new, so come and join me, and see if you can live by my 4 rules to feel better and work better in 2021.